May 12, 2010

In This Post, I Use the Word "Plethora"

Thus far, I have collected a plethora of advertisements and displayed them on ads gone awol in the hopes that you people get the drift. Advertising has stepped outside of its comfort zone. We have come a long way- from the catchy jingle of the first Coca-cola commercial to condom commercials being banned from T.V. Advertising has changed since it started and will continue to evolve as time creeps forward.
For emxample, it is no longer unacceptable for awkward situations to occur. The itchy feeling you get in awkward situations, has now become a selling point. Ad campaigners have taken notice of the change in humor of the new generation; and they are running with it. Peoples' humor has evolved into a more, dare I say, vulgar and less modest one. It has raised the bar, upped the annie. Advertising is bigger and bolder.
One day, I hope to create ads such as the ones I have compiled here for you. They are witty. They are distinct. They are loud in the sense that they refuse to go unocticed. One day, I will be the awkward person behind the advertisment. Look out world,

because here I come.

Apr 28, 2010

I'm Thirsty.

As you were promised from my previous post, here is the visual guide to Coca Cola ads over the years. It talks about everything from the creation of Coca Cola to its ad campaigns in progress today. I tried to make it pretty for you. Enjoy!

Apr 20, 2010

What We Know and Love Over the Years

I was thinking the other day about big ad campaigns; when were they started and how much have they changed over the years. In exploring these questions, I took a product that we all know and did a bit of research. Coca Cola. It is a wholesome thirst quencher that captured the heart of America long ago. Eventually, it swept the globe and is continuing to go strong today. I thought it would be interesting to compare old advertising of the company to its modern day advertising.
I found the original Coca Cola commercial and posted it. I then found a Coca Cola commercial from 2009-20010. There are many changes in the way the product is presented, the way the people look, the quality of the video, etc. WATCH THEM! Please.

Isn't that a catchy song? In 1971, when the commercial was released, the public went wild for it. Phones at radio stations rang off the hook with people asking for it to be played again and again. Now let's watch a commercial from modern time. It takes a new approach to selling the product, yet continues with the same overall message; Coke is refreshing and awesome. Bottom line.

In my next post you'll get an even better look at the way Coca Cola advertisements have changed over the years. You'll get a run through of a visual guide, or time-line, if you will, of different advertising campaigns Coca Cola has created since it was concocted.

On a random note, I found this rather old Campbell's Soup commercial from 1975. I found it humorous in a way. It's just so....old-ish. However, it does a nice job capitalizing on the fact that their product is cheap and affordable in the bad economy of the late 70s.

Clearly, advertising has changed over the years and will continue to change as time progresses. Different things come in and out of style and advertising must go with that flow to appeal to the consumers. I cannot wait to look at this blog in ten years and realize how much advertising has changed in even that short amount of time.

Apr 7, 2010

Game On

Hello! This week, I thought I'd cover the always hilarious ESPN rivalry commercials. We all know how intense college football rivalries can get. In the heat of the moment, obscene gestures are made, slander is slurred and violence, be it physical or mental, is an issue. The first video I've posted is a prime example of the rivalry of Michigan and Ohio State at its peak. The second is my own version of an ESPN rivalry commercial. It takes a different twist throwing trash talking aside. Watch, compare the two and let me know your thoughts and feelings. Gracias.

PS- In shooting the video and pictures for the commercial, I cannot tell you how many awkward glances we got. Mission accomplished.

Mar 31, 2010

It is awkward in itself that I am putting up a post about tampons and 'that time of the month' for us girls. But that is the name of the game for this blog so, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Everyone knows that the subject of girls and aunt flow has always been an awkward one to talk about. It is gross. It makes us feel fat, angry and emotional. Also, it arrives at an awkward stage in our lives. We're at that 'in between' time when we are, as Britney Spears put it so correctly, "not a girl; not yet a woman." (Feel uncomfortable yet?) I saw this commercial not too long ago about the feelings aunt flow brings when she rolls around each month. I found it hilarious and when you think about what is being said. It is all so sarcastic and if you turn everything she says around, you get the truth. So boys, watch it. Take notes. Learn to stay out of our way when aunt flow is in town. (If you didn't feel uneasy before, do you now?)

In watching that commercial, it can be realized that other tampon ads truly are ridiculous. You do not want to dance, frolic, smile, twirl on the beach, OR twirl on the beach in slow motion. You want to punch stuff. This ad gets it right. It's sarcastic display of the above mentioned activities done while girls are on their period, (AH! It is indeed the first and only time I will use that terminology in this entire post) gives people a cut and dry explanation of how people actually feel during 'that time of the month'. In the process, it makes for a rather funny ad in my opinion.

Mar 24, 2010

No, I Will Not Hug You

You can subscribe to the podcast in this post on iTunes by clicking on the title of this blog.
Sour Patch Kids are the bomb aren't they? The commercials perfectly explain the way they taste.

First they're sour...

Then they're sweet.

I thought it'd be interesting to get my roommate's point of view on the infamous Sour Patch Kids commercials. She, being my roommate, also appreciates a nice and solid awkward situation. What is more awkward than waking up in the morning with one pigtail missing? Or how about walking out your front door and getting slapped in the face via eggs? Or even better, taking a scenic bike ride through the park and smacking into a mural painted on a brick wall? Those delicious devils get the best of us every time. Not my roommate though...


When I listened to Katie's testimony, I realized, 'She's right.' These crazy kids can't just do whatever they want and expect us to forgive them. It is not okay that you forced a pigeon to poop on me; being delicious isn't going to cut it anymore.
Who am I kidding? That is a lie. Taste buds around the globe have saved Sour Patch Kids thus far. But if their sour moments get any worse, even taste buds may not preserve them.

Just a thought.

Mar 17, 2010

Don't Cross the Line!

You know that imaginary line between funny and just plain messed up? It is often crossed by attention seekers and/or people who have zero filter and zero people skills. Ads that have been banned from T.V. and magazines crossed that line. The line is sacred! One must respect the line while not letting modesty completely over-shadow the statement trying to be made. The envelope must be pushed at times or else we would never see ads that truly made a statement and caused people to think.
The following commercial was banned from T.V. on account of its sense of raunchiness and over the top method of delivery.

Also, I am 65% positive that there is a point in time in which the teenager's manhood is visible to the world as he is flying through the sky. Nudity; really X-Box promoters?
Here is an example of another ad that hurdled the fine line.

Ha. I don't really think an explanation is in order for that one.

No one can say that these ads don't grab their attention. However, there are certain morals and such that need be preserved. These ads leap the line and head straight for the bad side of the awkward scale. That is why they did not air. That is why it is so important to realize the boundaries and not exceed them.

Mar 3, 2010

Stewie Griffen: Taking Over One Hilltop at a Time

Do you like Family Guy? It happens to be one of the most awkward, hilarious and politically incorrect shows on television these days. Because it is all of these things, it happens to be one of my favorite shows. As I walked around campus for Stewie's photo-shoot, I received more smiles than wierd looks from bystanders. People know Stewie. They respect him. Maybe they're just laughing at the freak running around campus with a life-size Stewie under her arm. Either way, Family Guy truly is becoming a pop culture icon for awkward humor. Family Guy brings an over the top kind of funny to the table; that type of humor that crosses the line a little bit. This curve in humor defines the curve advertising has begun to take. More and more people are finding themselves chuckling at ads that are, by society standards, "weird". Therefore, sit back, relax and enjoy Stewie's crazy little run around campus.

Mar 2, 2010

Humor is Hot

Awkward moments occur everyday. No one can escape them. No matter what, your cheeks will burn with the redness of embarrassment throughout your lifetime. The video above shows peoples' awkward moments ON TELEVISION. We should be thankful that most of our awkward moments aren't broadcast for the world to see (even though we often feel that the whole planet witnesses all of our unfortunately uncomfortable moments.)

Awkward moments are not fun to endure for most people. I say most because there are a select few out there that thoroughly enjoy awkward moments, myself included. They are funny for those on the outside to listen to or watch. They're even funny to instigate in tension filled situations.
Why are they so funny? Do we as a society thrive on others' pain: be it physical or mental? I think we do. The majority of the population that watches T.V. and reads the paper and magazines finds today's advertisements humorous simply because they're weird and OTHER PEOPLE are the suckers dealing with the awkwardness. Therefore, all of us viewers can sit back, relax and soak in the failure of others. Another reason the commercials and other weird ads are so appealing to us is that we can relate to them many times.

Anyway you put it, the ads are funny and seem to have taken over the world of advertising. Bottom line, humor is hot.

Feb 17, 2010

I've been Dorito slapped.

Watch this here video. Then refer to the rest of this post.

That was one of the most, if not the most, awkward commercials of Super Bowl XLIV. I dig it; found it hilarious. In the gym, iron was pumped in sports goggles, sweatbands, high-waters and Chuck Taylors. Then a Dorito Samurai killed a guy via Dorito to the neck?

It may not have tickled your fancy, but I bet this one will...

These commercials both use the approach of uncomfortable humor. Back in the day (say...20 plus years ago), there would not have been any commercials like these.

Moral of the story: On a scale of 1-10, my like for Doritos is a mere 4. However, I found myself in a torn decision at the vending machine last night and little Jaylen and Tim, the Dorito Samurai, popped into my head. I could not help but remember the funny commercials I had seen them in. I hit C3, the Doritos dropped, and I had myself a snack. Job well done Doritos ad campaign.

Feb 13, 2010


What's hot these days in advertising? In case you're not a commercial junkie like I happen to be, I'll fill you in. 'Awkward' is in. T.V. commercials, magazine ads, Internet ads, etc. have all gone awol. awol = awkward in my lingo. Refer to the title of my blog for other words that perfectly describe awol. Basically, I've noticed that peoples' funny bone is tickled these days by all that is odd. It has changed from back in the day when advertising was more reserved and left 'inside the box'. These days, most ads are off the wall and leave us with an,

"Itchy. Did that really just happen; did they really
just say that? I feel uncomfortable. Don't stand so close to me
kind of feeling. Being an awkward gal myself, I rather enjoy this new wave of advertising. Currently my favorite commercial is the E*TRADE baby shankapotomus commercial. Ha...babies don't wear visors; and they certainly do not talk smack to business partners after a day on the golf coarse.

This blog will give you an understanding of where I believe advertising is blooming and fading, what it is turning away from and leaning toward and where it has been and where it is headed in the future.